NMOSD and MOGAD Brain health Program
Join this 2-week, personalized education program designed to improve brain health and help make meaningful and sustainable changes in YOUR LIFE through wellness, nutrition, physical, and psychological health education.
Through this program, you will be connected with leading professionals to understand how NMOSD/MOGAD is impacting your life, in order to provide the knowledge and support you need.
This Program is sponsored by The Sumaira Foundation through a RARE Mental Health Grant offered by Global Genes: https://globalgenes.org/blog/2024-rare-mental-health-grant-recipients-announced/
Michael Levy, MD PhD
Associate Professor, Director, Neuroimmunology Clinic and Research Laboratory
Harvard Medical School
Amy Perrin Ross, APN, MSN, CNRN, MSCN
President, International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses
Neuroscience Program Coordinator at Loyola University Medical Center
Mitzi Williams, MD
Joi Life Wellness MS Center
Annette Okai, MD
Director of Neuroimmunology & Multiple Sclerosis Research
Jeffrey Bennett, MD PhD
Professor of Neurology
Professor of Ophthalmology
University of Colorado
Jennifer Graves, MD PhD
Professor of Neurosciences
Vice Chair of Human Clinical Research
Division Chief, Neuroimmunology, UCSD
Augusto Miravalle, MD
Professor of Neurology
Chief MS and Neuroimmunology Division, Rush University Medical Center
Ann Zerfas, PT, DPT, NCS
Adult Neuro Program Lead at RUSH Physical Therapy
Eoin Flanagan, M.B., B.Ch.
Associate Professor of Neurology
Mayo Clinic
Rosemarie Walch, DO
Memorial Healthcare Institute for Neurosciences, Owosso
Robert Shin, MD
Professor of Neurology
Director of the Multiple Sclerosis and Clinical Neuroimmunology Division at UVA Health
Mindy Eisenberg, MHSA
Founder and Director of Yoga Moves MS
Sara Schaefer, NP
Nurse Practitioner at UCHEALTH Neurology
Bailey Carr
Culinary Dietitian at the Kendall Reagan Nutrition Center at CSU
Robert Motl, PhD
Professor, Kinesiology and Nutrition
Professor, Rehabilitation Sciences, UIC
Sumaira Ahmed
NMOSD Patient
Jennifer Ventrelle, MS RDN CPT
Assistant Professor | Departments of Family and Preventive Medicine & Clinical Nutrition
Rush University Medical Center
Laura Morris
Professional Chef, certified personal trainer, and certified nutrition consultant
Amanda Piquet, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Anastasia Vishnevetsky, MD, MPH
Instructor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School
Attending Physician, Massachusetts General Hospital
Tammy Smith, MD PhD
Associate Professor of Neurology
University of Utah
Kathy Keefer

REGISTER to the NMOSD Brain Health Program
Please fill out the form provided
We will email you to confirm your participation few weeks prior to the start date
Attend for free!
Each Program consist of 6 sessions scheduled in 2 consecutive weeks. The sessions are virtual on TUE, WED and THU from 5:00 to 6:00 PM (MST)
October 2024 OPEN
The NMOSD/MOGAD Brain Health Program was developed in collaboration with THE SUMAIRA FOUNDATION to empower individuals through knowledge and experiential learning on evidence-based best practices proven to improve Brain Health.
During this 2-week Brain Health Program you will learn ways to take control and adopt life-style interventions aiming to maximize your Brain Health Potential.
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Meet Sumaira
Prior to her illustrious career in healthcare and hospital administration in Boston, Sumaira worked as an actor/model in Hindi-/Bengali-language media, primarily in southeast Asia. Sumaira is a classically-trained Kathak dancer and has performed in prestigious venues including Madison Square Garden, the Kodak Theatre, Santiniketan, and the Rudolf Steiner Theatre.
In the summer of 2014, Sumaira was diagnosed with sero-negative neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) after experiencing sudden and severe vision loss and weakness/numbness. Less than two months after her diagnosis, she founded The Sumaira Foundation (TSF) dedicated to generating global awareness of NMOSD and MOGAD, supporting research to find a cure, patient advocacy, and creating communities of support for NMOSD and MOGAD.
In 2015, Sumaira was crowned the 1st Miss Bangladesh-USA advocating for equal opportunity education for Bangladeshi children in efforts to increase tolerance and strengthen the country’s international presence, economy, and infrastructure.
In September 2021, Sumaira was honored with WEGO Health’s “Best Kept Secret” Award recognizing her advocacy work in rare disease.
In October 2021, Sumaira was featured in a Wall Street Journal article about Medicare’s drug-pricing debate. In 2022, Sumaira was prominently featured in an Emmy Award-winning show, Medical Stories, on PBS. You can watch the full episode, NMO: Blindsided Within here: https://youtu.be/UoYri5CDftI
Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) is a rare disease of the central nervous system. The incidence and prevalence of NMOSD are dependent on geographical location and ethnicity. Asians and those of African ancestry are at increased risk.
The name explains the areas of the central Nervous System that are commonly affected: the Optic Nerve and the Spinal Cord. Inflammation of the OPTIC Nerves is called OPTIC NEURITIS. Inflammation of the spinal cord is called MYELITIS. Other symptoms include bouts of intractable vomiting and hiccups.
Up to 70% of patients with NMOSD develop antibodies against Aquaporin 4 (AQP4), a water channel present in certain cells within the Central Nervous system (CNS). AQP4 is widely expressed in the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. The diagnosis of SEROPOSITIVE NMO is established in patients with clinical evidence of inflammation in the optic nerves, spinal cord or other areas of the CNS in which antibodies against AQP4 can be measured in blood.
A small proportion of patients with clinical features of NMOSD do not have antibodies against AQP4. In that case, a diagnosis of SERONEGATIVE NMO is established. NMOSD is a term that was coined to include seropositive and seronegative NMO patients.
how is the diAGNOSIS OF nmosd MADE?
Listen to Dr Miravalle explain the process of diagnosis of NMOSD, how NMOSD differs from MS diagnosis, along with a historical review of the evolution of NMOSD over the last decades.
Let’s explain AQP4 antibodies
Dr. Augusto Miravalle discusses and answers live questions about the NMOSD antibody, AQP4 (aquaporin-4). This programming was developed by The Sumaira Foundation and was made possible by a patient education grant from Horizon Therapeutics